Monday, November 5, 2007

Motivational pictures..

Ok so you probably already seen a lot of these reworked motivational picture out there ive seen over a hundred and a lot of them are funny some are just shit..

So I'm gonna post all the ones that i find that are relevant to my life or just straight up funny.

Lucy Pinder

A couple of years back one of the English national papers claimed to have discovered this amazing creature frolicking merrily in the seas around Brighton...
Knowing the hearts and minds of the average brit male i declared her to be the most beautiful, gargantuan breasted female ever to live..
The lads in the van said she was alright.....


Now although im very liberal by most peoples standards theres one drug that pisses me off no end....


Ive been a drug user -chooser- abuser for many years now...

It all began with everyones favorite gateway drug Marijuana (aka weed)

Yeah we all say it doesn't lead onto harder drugs but really we know were kiddin ourselves.

Years ago my older sister predicted that my future friends would all be smack heads (heroin addicts)

Nope... Crack heads, aka crack cocaine users abusers and addicts.

Before and after crack ^^^^

My man bobby tried to keep that crazy bitch off of the crack (respect bobz)
Its not right and its not ok whitney!!

If you got a problem, a habit or a question..
Need some advice???
Don't ask me.... Talk to frank!!

HR Giger

I fuckin love Aliens!!!

Not E.T,
A.L.F or the big bug dude from M.I.B
but Aliens...
Not Alien 1
which is a pretty good film in it own right but ALIENS...
The one with the marines in it...

Oh yeah...
You know what he fuck I'm talkin bout..

I love the intelligent menace of the the film.. the naive bravado of the space marines and the fuckin big robot that kicks the bitch's arse!
I love the whole alien sexual predator parasite mythology plus the mechanical organic lifeforms are just so unnatural yet so believable!

Only from the demented mind of man could create a creature of such.... blah blah
Don't be a pretentious prick watch the movie look at the site!!

I never fucked a bitch with purple hair!!

Im a big Hip hop fan!!
I like my rap like i like my bitches and hoes; Mean and moody with a psychotic streak!!
Since discovering this new fangled invention the intranets, Ive begun to realise that goths, moshers, punks and the various other sub human sects that inhabit the world have got some good pussy hidden away...

Just dont get drunk and accidentally fuck Maralyn Manson.

Hot Sluts

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In the beggining...

So this is blogging don't see what all the fuss is about..
So to make my blog look nice I'll fill it with whatever my warped mind can think of at the time!
Mainly hot sluts, sick visions and links to things i like!!!!!!!!!!! Dont know if this is supposed to be a diary or just a random collection of thoughts and ideas..
But who the fuck cares anyway.
Its not that we're crazy its just that you make us crazy!!